Monday, November 14, 2011

14 November 2011

 Mon 11/14/2011 9:50 AM

Bautismo! Fue un exito!

 sup sup sup,

 Well, without further ado, we did have the baptism on Saturday. It went ultra good!! I had the opportunity to dress in white and represent the Lord in baptizing her. It was soooo good. It’s nice in this ward, they do everything for us. So we had a lot of ward involvement and it just went “money in the bank.” I had to baptize her twice because her knee popped up, but all was a success. Saturday was one of the most fun days I have ever had!!!  We started out the morning playing some basketball with some ward members and an investigator (man, I am rusty!) Then after that, we went and ate some breakfast with our Ward Mission Leader and first counselor. After that, we started to slaughter turkeys and geese for Thanksgiving. Such a cool experience, I will have to show ya'll the videos. So we killed, plucked the feathers, gutted them, and dressed them. It was a cool experience. I really enjoy doing that kind of stuff. So it was a good experience for me! After that, we got the font ready and did some baptizing! It was a really good meeting, At the end, our bishop charged her and her husband to go to the temple in a year - which I think she will. She is so converted to the gospel. So it’s pretty cool to see that happening!

The rest of the week was kind of boring. I have been walking a lot with my companion. He is very green still, so I am trying to help him chill out and relax. But yeah, I can tell he is a bit high strung, so that’s why he is with me, so I can help him get some personality and get out of his shell. It seems I do that a lot - crack shells!  Thursday was transfer day. I drove to Grand Island because I wanted to....and just said hi to all the people and yeah. It was a good day. I have noticed a change in the work here, it’s a little more slow but the members really just love things right now. I am focusing a lot on setting this area up for the future. I am really prepping the members to make this place good. I don't mind if the work is slow, I feel good about the last 23 months of my mission. I really do. I am just always happy and just loving my life at all times. Things go wrong, but I don't mind, I am patient, I am loving, and I just have a completely different outlook on the mission than I did a while ago. I just want to be out here and do my work. My goals for this transfer are to help the members become missionaries, and to help my companion be cracked out of his shell. So, I mean, things are good. We are still are waiting to teach that family in the sandhills. We haven't heard anything yet, so we will see!!

This week will be pretty fun, last night Elder Nelson and his companion came and stayed here and are spending P- day with us. We will be leaving to Lincoln at like 4pm! We have a mission tour tomorrow - a member of the seventy is coming. Elder Golden, I think it is? So that will be a fun experience and a spiritual one at that. So I look forward to this week. Saturday will be the same routine, basketball and farm work!!! So yeah. Things are going really well right now. I am really trunky, I won't lie, but it’s not taking my mind off the work; it just helps me finish stronger. I am ssoooooo excited to see ya'll again. But I know I need to be patient and finish strong and I am doing so!!!! I love you all soooo much!!! I hope you have the greatest weeks ever!!! Sorry it’s short, the next 4 emails will be really short, I don't have too much too say it seems. But I will be jabber jaws on the me! Love you!!!

Con amor,
El Elder Bradley Rigby

09 November 2011

Wed 11/9/2011 9:51 AM


Transfer info came in. My companion is leaving, and I am getting Elder Caldwell. He is very new. So yeah, he is going to be the one who sends me home! Crazy huh? This week was not toooo bad. We had a ward party on Friday promoting and stuff. It was really fun. Saturday morning we played basketball with some investigators and then we chopped wood for like 4 hours! Then we went and saw Margarita! She is soooo solid! She is getting baptized this Saturday! So that should be really awesome! I am really excited for that. The other day we were at her house with her friend there and she just started like bearing her testimony to her best friend and telling her why the church is true, and what she has felt! Sooooo awesome! Anywho, on Sunday we taught a lesson at church to the whole ward. That was weird. We taught about and it was really good! We also met with the bishop that day and I presented this program thingy, that Elder Hoyt came up with, which is really successful. So yeah. That was good! Things are getting better and better here now! We have a new investigator who has cancer. She wants to hear more from us because I gave her a blessing the other day and basically it said that if she listened to the gospel, everything would be alright! So that was a pretty bold blessing! But I know that the Lord said it and I did not!  I can't really think about too much to say right now. I will say more next Monday. I hate the Wednesday P-days because I just forget everything about the week before. But those are the things I remembered. I have 6 weeks left. My last transfer. Go big or.......go home? Ha ha. I love you all sooo much! I will write you more next week! I promise! I love you!

 Con amor,

 Elder Bradley Rigby

31 October 2011

Mon 10/31/2011 1:54 PM



I honestly have like no time today. We are going to go help paint faces for kids at the YMCA in like an hour, and just do some activities with them, it will be really fun! Then we are going to a ward Halloween party. I am doing really good. I got my suit. It’s good! I have to lose a couple or three pounds for it to look awesome though - which is no big deal at all! But I like the suit a lot. This last week was a complete blur. But we went to Broken Bow, Nebraska. It’s a pretty cool place. It reminded me of Storm Lake a lot!!!!  It was just a weird week. I honestly don't remember a lot. We had Stake Conference yesterday and they talked a lot about missionary work, so I was happy to hear that, as always. Then we had dinner with a member afterward, which they had their son in law over and he wasn't a member. Anyway, we shared a scripture, just to do so, ya know? Nothing big. Then the family started bearing their testimonies to him and crying, and it was completely awesome! So, it ended up with the guy saying that we could come over and "chat."  So....that’s better than nothing.

Love ya.

 Elder Rigby

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

24 October 2011

Mon 10/24/2011 1:14 PM Viene Los Milagros con Paciencia

I can't believe how fast Octobre is going! It’s already the 24th? What is this!! This week went by super-dee-duper fast. We started out the week by taking a road trip to Grand Island, and then the next morning on to Lincoln for a meeting. It was quite a very long drive, it seemed, and it was a long meeting. So naturally, I was tired. I was one of the oldest people in the meeting. I probably knew like a fifth of the missionaries there, which is really weird. There was a time when I knew every missionary in the mission. Now, I am just that old missionary who says profound comments in the back of the room.  I sat by Elder Nelson, who was around me most of my Siouxland days. We just kind of mingled in the back and it was fun. I like meetings when I am in the middle of nowhere, it’s kind of nice to see a lot of people around. Weird, but it’s all good!  We got back to Grand Island. I made a couple to three visits to some people I know, the Catalans and the Georges. It was sooo weird to see how things have changed there, but at the same time, it was good to see some familiar faces. I told old man George I am warming up the font for Dec 18th, and I am going to drag him to the font. He laughed and said, like always, "When hell freezes over." I used to joke around with him a lot back in the day. So it was nice to talk with him and sister George again. After that, we got back to Lexington around like 10:30, and I was straight up tired, and fell right to sleep. Outside the work, that’s all that really was exciting this week. 

La Obra (the work) is great!!! I decided that with my companion, right now, not really caring, I will just do it all. Sad, but I am hoping by doing so, he will feel guilt, Godly Sorrow, repent, and start turning himself around. So we'll see what happens!  But this week, we had the opportunity to teach Margareeta like 3 times. And one of the times, we set a baptismal date with her. She will be taking the plunge on the 12th of November,  hopefully. We need to help her quit smoking though. It’s awesome to see this though. I guess she used to reject the missionaries hard core, so now to see her completely turn around is so amazing! We also have Jesus, that should be baptized on the 5th of Nov as well. So two people at the beginning of next month! Which I think will be great for the ward. I think the ward has lost some trust with the past elders and what not. But we are fixing that. And things are really picking up well. Members come up and talk to me a lot now, and I am just keeping my smile and staying happy with everything and things are just going great!!! Tonight also, we are teaching a Jewish man. We had such an awesome conversation with him last week about life, we showed him some Jewish members on and he loved that. He set up the appointment and said, “I want you to help me fix my life so I have confidence in my old age.” So there are soooooo many things just starting to click a lot more. The key is keeping the spirit with us and helping the people out in the way that the Lord wants to.

So a miracle happened last night. At least it was for me. A member from the mission presidency, in our mission, called me last night and said, “Elder Rigby, it’s been a while, but boy do I have a job for you!” So I grinned and talked to him for a little bit. I have been around him before and we have some good talks. Anywho, there a Hispanic FAMILY up in the Sandhills of Nebraska, in a small town of Whittman. That has been taking discussions from the members who speak Spanish up there because of where they served missions. Well, President Kunz has approved that we go with President Deakin (2nd counselor in mission presidency) and go teach this family once a week, along with all the other people they have up there. We also may have the chance to go to church up there a couple times and really help this family unto the gospel. They have already said they want to get baptized, but they have to get the lessons and stuff from us! I have always wanted to go to the Sandhills of NE, that’s where Elder McClain served as a service missionary for like 7 months! There is no missionaries there now, and we are the closest ones, but more importantly, I am SSSOOOOO excited for this family. It will be an awesome experience. I am really excited! So miracles are coming and coming as I give more and more time and efforts to the Lord. The work is great, the people great, the Lord is great. Now, I just need to get my companion on board with everything. And things will be perfect! It’s hard, he is one of the hardest companions I have ever had, just because he argues everything and desires no help. But I know that, with the Lord's help, I can move mountains. So I am not giving up, I never will. I am going to continue loving him, and caring for him until he accepts my help. I know that I was sent here for many reasons, but one of them was to help this kid out so he can have a great 14 months left of his mission. I am so grateful for all the many blessings I have in my life. I love my life, and I am sooo happy to be where I am at today. I know that I wouldn't be here if it weren't for all the mistakes I made, and for the support I have in all of you! I love you all sooooo much and miss ya just as much. Time is whipping by and we will see each other soon, but not yet, not yet. I have things to complete for the Lord. :) I love you all! Have a great spirit filled week!
con amor,
 Elder Bradley Rigby

17 October 2011

Mon 10/17/2011 12:59 PM Que Raro Man!?

Que transa familia!!!????
           So I literally have like no time. There is so many Hispanics and Africans that they always use the computers, so we get like no time. They need to create more computer space here, because I don't think they realize how much people really use these things. Oh well.  If I don't finish, I will get on at a later time and send some more!

So to begin, the last week we had interviews with President Kunz. Best interview I have ever had. We just talked openly about everything that I have struggled with and he has struggled with, it was really good. We also talked about my departure and just a lot of stuff. It was really good. I really enjoyed it a lot! So that went really well. My companion is struggling a lot a lot! So President also made sure that I am helping him out. He just doesn't care about his mission anymore, regrets coming out, hates his family, and hates people back home. Tough situation, but that is why I am here! I am the fixit missionary, I guess!  I don't know why or how, but I guess that’s what I do. I am happy to do it though. So the rest of the week I really focused on him and just helping him out to become more converted and ultimately happier in his life!  We did some service and that was fun. We built a ghetto doghouse.  I wish I could've done it better, but with no tools and no supplies it was difficult. But we did it. Hopefully by helping this lady out, she will become more converted and come back to church. Church attendance is really low right now, but we will boost it up. We also had a ward party on Friday. That  was pretty fun! A bon fire, some s'mores, and hot dogs. Man, it made me miss camping a lot!  It was a pretty chill autumn week. I liked it a lot. I have been studying like crazy though. I study in the mornings, at lunch, at dinner, and at night. I’m just reading like 4 books and as much as I can. I am addicted to learning now, it’s quite wonderful. I am learning so much about the atonement, myself, and how to use the atonement and myself to help others! Quite a blessing!

                On the teaching side of things, we have Jesus and Margareeta who are really close to overcoming some Word of Wisdom issues. They both come to church every week and desire to be more converted, so we are excited about them and we are working with them. We also have like 5 part-member families that we are working with. They don't seem like they are ready, to the naked eye, but I discern that they are more ready than everyone thinks. I have really fasted and prayed about what I should do here and with who I should work and what I should do. It’s really quite the awesome process. Other than that, I am finding finders in the ward. Preparing the members and helping them become the best missionaries they can be. I won't be here that long, but if I can help them enough to help the missionaries always, man, this place would be a gold mine! There is a lot of people here who are looking and I can tell. But they don't know where to find it, and we don't know where they are either. But the members do! So good things are going on here. Helping improve my companion, the ward, and the area! All made possible through the Atonement. I read something in a talk this week, so awesome. Elder Bednar says, "it is not only the sinner who needs to partake of the atonement, but the saint as well,.....brothers and sisters i don't think we quite adequately understand that we need to use the Atonement to go from good to better!" O man, it’s sooooo good. I just love the talks I am reading and things I am learning right now. I am so happy right now. I am glad that I am here to finish my mission off strong! I love you all and miss you all so much! but soon....haha.

Con amor,
 Elder Bradley D. Rigby

10 October 2011

Mon 10/10/2011 2:17 PM Estoy Aqui.

Well hello!
This will be a rather quick email. I cannot really think of anything that went on. But the things that I remember I will tell you. We found a family of like 5 or 6 this week. They speak Spanish and English fluently, so that should be a new adventure. Also, a 60 yr old Jewish man told us he has been pondering life a lot lately and said he thinks that we hold the keys to all the answers he is pondering. We have been going around to all the people on the list and just trying to clean it up and help some part-member families to become full-member families! So the work is going, there is no slow aspect to it. We are also just trying to help the members of the ward be more converted. There is going to be some changes in the small ward we have, so we need some people to step up! I am also really enjoying my companion a lot. I am seeing what makes him tick and how I can help him out a lot more. But I honestly think I get along with most people lately. I am not the punk kid that I used to be. I really care about people and want to help them out more and more. I think my testimony of the Atonement also has grown sooooo much. I think, with the help that the Savior gives me everyday, I am able to do all things. I have more charity and love for all things. I have desires to serve God and help Him to help His children. I am really excited to be here and help this place turn around. I love the people. I love the work. And I love each of you. I can't believe it’s coming so close to an end. I have just been thinking about what else I can do more for the Lord before I complete. I also think it’s crazy that I have to register for school already! That’s sooooo crazy, but oh well. With time comes change and things ya know?? Thanks for everything that all of you do! I love you all soooo much! And I pray for you often. Please have a spiritually rewarding week. Reach out with charity and love and help someone out! For that is what we will be judged on in the last days. Love you and miss you!!!

 Con amor,
 El Elder Bradley Ruby

03 October 2011

Mon 10/3/2011 9:56 AM

Bueno bueno bueno!!!
So I bet you are all thinking that I am super sad to get transferred. Nope. I am not. Actually, I was really happy. I got a really strong confirmation that I am supposed to be here. So things are really going great. They have a lot of work going on here. There is a ward, and we cover both English and Spanish people. So it will be really good! This town is a town of like 10k and like 8k of the 10 are Hispanic. It’s pretty crazy, that’s why they call it Mexington. Things are really good though. I loved conference. I thought that the New Provo Temple is a big highlight as well! That was really cool to me! I can't say I have a favorite talk, I think the priesthood session was really awesome though. I think it was well fitted to rebuke all the young men! I loved that! Besides conference, nothing much has really happened. There was a part-member family I met who is an older couple, and the guy is Jewish, but he told us he wants to hear the lessons again. So that should be pretty sweet! We also have like 6 other part-members families who are Hispanic. This place is so crazy, but I like it. It’s small, but oh well. I think I do best here in the small towns though!

The drive was a little bit long, but I got to see all the mission again and realize that I do not know anyone in the mission anymore. Literally, I was like....who are you? I guess that’s what I get for being an old missionary. But it was pretty funny! I got to see a lot of old friends though. I drove the truck down from Siouxland. It was fun. I love that I know how to drive a truck and trailer. It makes me feel good to know I can do “manly” things. It was sad to leave though. I think I spent like 4 hours visiting with all the people in Wynstone   non-members and members - just talking about life. They asked some questions too, which was pretty sweet. I will miss it there. But one good thing about serving a stateside mission, I can always come back, or they can always come visit!

I can't really think of anything else to say except that my companion is pretty cool. Real intelligent and really stubborn. I will be honest with you, President told me that I am here to help him out. aka, I am babysitting. He was born in Guatemala, moved to Logan, Utah when he was young, and lived there ever since until he came here. Since then, his family moved back to Guatemala. But he is just struggling with his testimony and stuff with the mission. So I am here to help him! Which I know that the Lord knows me, and picked me to help him out! Everything is good though. I love my life, and I am so happy I got to see conference. It was such a great experience to hear the prophets voice and all the wonderful tidings they brought. I think, for sure, it was a great conference. I took some study notes on the spiritual recognitions. Now it’s time to apply all the re-evaluated things I need to do better as a person, missionary, brother, son, friend etc. I am excited. I love the mission but more importantly I love you all so much. Thank you for all the support you give me, I pray for you nightly. I love you all sooooo much! Have a great week!!!

Con amor,
Elder Bradley Rigby